Only pass through changed files
Only pass through changed files
Only pass through changed files
Smart incremental building by dependency analysis
Only npm installs if package.json has been modified
Run Grunt tasks with only those source files where the content changed to the last run.
Get the change between any of your branch and current branch of a `git` repository
A node module to check and store file changed.
generate changelog for github repos
Runs ESLint on changed files
Only pass through files once until changed
Lint files changed in git
A tool that runs your commands if any git-pushed files match the glob written to be used as a pre-push hook
Run a command if files have changed.
Only pass .less files through the gulp stream if they or their dependencies have changed
run tasks only if src files are changed
Return the percentage difference between two numbers, optionally rounding.
Webpack plugin that takes care of only rebuilding entrypoints that include changed files.
Spawns babel with --only files modified since last run
keeps track of when the document has been created, updated and optionally when some fields have been modified
Detach monorepo packages from normal linking