A topologically ordered map of key/value pairs with a simple API for adding constraints.
A topologically ordered map of key/value pairs with a simple API for adding constraints.
Graph visualization for angular
Layout algorithms for visualizing directed acylic graphs.
Efficiently sort interdependent tasks into a sequence of concurrently-executable batches.
Directed acyclic graph
Small graph library for directed and undirected graphs.
Utility functions for the dag-jose ipld codec
Typescript implementation of the IPLD dag-jose format
Type-agnostic directed acyclic graph (DAG) & graph operations
workflow for react
reduce tangles into their current state
a helper for building + updating traverseable tangle graphs
Seeding data using DAGs
a toolkit for composing tangle reducing strategies
DSL to define shader code in TypeScript and cross-compile to GLSL, JS and other targets
A 'reactive' React acycical graph generator.
Detach monorepo packages from normal linking
JavaScript implementation of the Knish.IO SDK to consume Knish.IO GraphQL APIs.
An interactive 'reactive' React diagram/graph generator
Chain promises declaratively using high-level graphs. Tiny, portable, dependency-free.