JS SDK for the Stream Chat API
JS SDK for the Stream Chat API
React components to create chat conversations or livestream style chat
Neuro.js is machine learning framework for building AI assistants and chat-bots.
Intelligo machine learning for Nodejs.
AI chatbot generator for Intelligo framework
Nexmo Client SDK for JavaScript
Vot Kit for Valensas Bots
A utility for having conversation sessions with Hubot
Teach plugin for Koishi
Nexmo Stitch SDK for JavaScript
A package to parse WhatsApp chats with Node.js or in the browser 💬
Nexmo Conversation SDK for JavaScript
React component library for creating chat interfaces
Vot Kit for Valensas Bots
Conversation context manager
React components to create chat conversations or livestream style chat
A middleware for using Watson Assistant in a Botkit-powered bot.
React components to create chat conversations or livestream style chat
Simple builder for Alexa replies.
SCSS themes for @chatscope/chat-ui-kit-react library