Crowdin CLI on steroids
Crowdin CLI on steroids
Unofficial Crowdin client to automate continuous integration workflow
CLI tools to support localizing react apps with Crowdin
contributors crowdin cli
Crowdin CLI on steroids
contributors crowdin cli
A simple CLI tool to update crowdin translations for web applications
contributors crowdin cli
React component for simple OAuth with Crowdin
Download translations from Crowdin
Update and export translations from Crowdin
Grunt plugin to upload and download translations to Crowdin
Manages the Crowdin translations for your Ember app from ember-cli
Crowdin React Native SDK delivers all new translations from Crowdin project to the application immediately
contributors crowdin cli
Type definitions for crowdin app iframe script
A package with the color of every language's flag
I18n management utility for Foxxie projects.
I18n enum with ISO language codes.
Pipedream Crowdin Components