An opinionated ESLint config preset of ntnyq
An opinionated ESLint config preset of ntnyq
ESLint flat config for basic
ESLint flat config for astro
ESLint flat config for react
ESLint flat config for solid
ESLint flat config for vue
Function for compatibility with ESLint flat config
Brendan Dash's ESLint config
Kouts's ESLint config
@jsse/eslint-config ~ WYSIWYG
tasky's (flat) eslint config.
Shared zemd ESLint flat config
Unofficial migration of the airbnb styleguide from eslintrc format to flat config file format
Utils for managing and manipulating ESLint flat config arrays
ESLint presets
ESLint preset for astro
ESLint basic preset
ESLint preset for react
ESLint preset for solid
ESLint preset for svelte