Generate JavaScript-compatible regular expressions with chinese/jp/zh/cn
Generate JavaScript-compatible regular expressions with chinese/jp/zh/cn
Support as many legacy encodings as possible
add charset support for node's superagent
A pretty fast yet robust decodeURLComponent implementation that supports unicode decoding
Convert/auto-detection Character encodings in JavaScript ( iconv-lite, jschardet )
encode and decode gbk string as fast as possible
save file with charset/encoding/iconv
provide encoding support for superagent
Regex Parser (fork from regexp)
simple convert file tool
convert gbk to utf-8 made easy
百度貼吧 關鍵字 和諧/反和諧 unescape / escape tieba harmony keywords
中文 GBK 编码/解码, 示例:`测试` -> `%B2%E2%CA%D4`
A light-weight http request library.
convert gbk to utf-8 made easy
Isomorphic Urlencode Supports GBK Encode
UnZip for non-UTF8 encoding such as cp949, sjis, gbk, euc-kr, euc-jp, and gb2312
Command line tool to convert text file from one charset to another