Tool to Execute Commands
Tool to Execute Commands
xdata library
A pretty fast yet robust decodeURLComponent implementation that supports unicode decoding
surport gbk
a http sever for gbk
xdata library
Encoding utils
add charset support for node's superagent
```javascript chinese2unicode([encoding]) ```
在 node-stream-zip 基础上增加可指定文件名编码.Specify file name encoding(default utf8). Fork from node-stream-zip(node.js library for reading and extraction of ZIP archives)
UnZip for non-UTF8 encoding such as cp949, sjis, gbk, euc-kr, euc-jp, and gb2312
Convert ansi buffer to character(ucs2 encodings), or convert character to ansi encodings in NodeJs.
a webpack plugin that can convert webpack assets to specific charset, like gbk
add handle when to gbk end
Read file with fs for next.
Add support: Specify file name encoding(default gbk). Fork from node-stream-zip(node.js library for reading and extraction of ZIP archives)
Create, edit, and query Windows shortcuts (.lnk files) with GBK support
JS string to GBK encoding ultra-lite implementation