nodegit-flow contains gitflow methods that aren't include in the vanilla nodegit package
nodegit-flow contains gitflow methods that aren't include in the vanilla nodegit package
Validates the current git branch name matches company naming policy
Automate your CI pipeline with ease - you'll find binaries and functions that help you simplify the process
Checks the upstream refs during a pre-push githook
Enable git-flow style releases via gulp
git(moji)-cz => conventional commits, gitflow branching
Validate git branch names according to git-flow
A git flow extension that provides some additional automation and feature improvements. The aim of the project is to offer a complete process chain in order to organize the releases of your projects as easily as possible.
A multigit manager with git flow features availables and some shortcuts to work more easily and quickly with git
Update and commit package version for Gitflow workflow
CLI Tool-suite for common git workflow operations including workflows
Modified gitflow for dreidev
a small utility to automate deployment and packaging with gitflow
gitflow kit
Easy to use named resource pool
Quick npm prereleases to ease the multi-repo feature dependency woes.
a npm publish processor for gitflow-publisher
A pull request and gitflow management tool
gitflow release node script
git flow cli