Obfuscate JavaScript files via javascriptobfuscator.com. This is also a Grunt plugin.
Obfuscate JavaScript files via javascriptobfuscator.com. This is also a Grunt plugin.
Depcheck Grunt plugin
A Grunt plugin for wrapping JS-modules written in AMD style
A grunt plugin to perform actions on a list of files.
Create an EOT font from a TTF font
Create a WOFF font from a TTF font
Create a TTF font from an SVG font
Convert images to WebP format with the encoder tool cwebp.
Convert YAML, JSON or plain text file to angular.value or angular.constant.
Get all nested imported files from passed SCSS
Automatically starts your Web app after build is over
Javascript Obfuscator jsfox (jsfoxguard.com)
Traverses through your markup and automatically links in your assets (scripts/styles/images)
Rename asset files with their MD5/SHA1 hashes.
Grunt Brunch wrapper
Grunt task for compiling tail-recursive metafunctions into optimised javascript
Interactive grunt help and task selection
HTMLComb plugin for Grunt.
A grunt wrapper for testem
Grunt tasks to aid tessel development