Efficiently render streaming lit-html templates on the server (or in a ServiceWorker!)
Efficiently render streaming lit-html templates on the server (or in a ServiceWorker!)
Node.js module for rendering beautiful emails with ejs, jade, swig, hbs, or handlebars templates and email-friendly inline CSS using juice.
Seamlessly and efficiently use @popeindustries/lit-html-server rendered HTML to hydrate lit-html templates in the browser
Enable hydration of lit-element elements rendered on the server with @popeindustries/lit-html-server
Swap lines with comment in and out if they match regexp
create a basic boilerplaite for making a layout
Quickly whip up a blank html page.
create html pages using a template's header and footer.
Handlebars type generator for template context objects
A require hook to compile lit-html templates
Template function to help you use an external html template in @ rollup/plugin-html.
simple library for component-based front-end development
A Vite plugin to upload your image assets
Skeleton code for html templates
Provides lit-html rendering capabilities for backend applications.
Seamlessly render lit templates and elements on the server and in the browser
Comment Generator Saves .2 seconds of your coding :p
A simple package to send emails with SMTP using an HTML template and data from an Excel sheet
minify html template for lit