No-op function for tagged template literals.
No-op function for tagged template literals.
Efficiently render streaming lit-html templates on the server (or in a ServiceWorker!)
Seamlessly and efficiently use @popeindustries/lit-html-server rendered HTML to hydrate lit-html templates in the browser
Radically Straightforward SQLite
A lightweight migration system for @leafac/sqlite
Enable hydration of lit-element elements rendered on the server with @popeindustries/lit-html-server
convert template tags with `key: value` statements to objects
Stop transpiling React components for Node with JSX templates, which use native es6 tagged template literals
A require hook to compile lit-html templates
Stop transpiling React components for Node with JSX templates, which use native es6 tagged template literals
A tiny utility function for creating tagged template literals
A minimalistic framework for creating reusable and encapsulated view components on server side.
HTML tagged template literals
Seamlessly render lit templates and elements on the server and in the browser
Radically Straightforward HTML
Terminal and Console string styling done right.