Minify HTML in tagged template strings using html-minifier
Minify HTML in tagged template strings using html-minifier
Webpack loader that minifies HTML by [html-minifier](
Uses html-minifier to minify your ember-cli app's html as well as any inline js/css
html-minifier plugin for @node-minify
Minify HTML in production with Snowpack
Optimize all of your assets for production with SourceMap support
🗜️ Minify different types of files easily
minify html in a stream using html-minifier.
The Minify HTML Plugin allows [Pattern Lab Node]( users to minify and beautify the HTML template of all patterns. If the right options are passed, HTML errors like empty attributes can be prevented (id="" and
A fis3 plugin to compress file with html-minifier on deploy stage.
Html minification for HTML-bricks using HTMLMinifier
fis3 html minify
The Minify HTML Plugin allows [Pattern Lab Node]( users to minify and beautify the HTML template of all patterns. If the right options are passed, HTML errors like empty attributes can be prevented (id="" and
Adds support to minify HTML in DocPad.
fis html-minifier
Use html-minifier with gobble
A karma preprocessor plugin. Minifies Html files. Useful when using other preprocessors such as karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor and testing directive rendering.
Webpack loader that minifies HTML by [html-minifier](
Sveltekit Adapter to Minify the preload HTML page
Minify All JS, CSS and HTML files in a folder by using UglifyJS, CSSNano and HTMLMinifier with an option to gzip all the files as well.