Get metadata on the default editor or a specific editor
Get metadata on the default editor or a specific editor
Open files in your editor at a specific line and column
A JSHint compatible sourcemap reporter that supports sourcemaps and allows click-to-source in WebStorm and IntelliJ.
mocha replacement that allows to specify patterns for test files
An IntelliJ IDE Reporter for Stryker Mutation Testing
JetBrains template for themer.
Generate a new IntelliJ Node Project (very basic).
coc.nvim extension for comrade completion
General Transpiler implemented in JavaScript
Yeomon generator to create intellij plugin
Mocha + Benchmark + Chai, support sync and async test
Simple CLI tool to generate a BlueJ compatible project from a given IntelliJ IDEA project.
Automatically generate Webstorm run configurations from npm run scripts of package.json
mintty template for themer.
Get available IntelliJ idea license server using CLI
Locate intellij (jetbrains) plugins at plugins.jetbrains.com and get meta info for plugin dependencies.
fork of karma-browserify with proper intellij support
make karma-jasmine output friendlier
make karma-jasmine output friendlier
Run arbitrary commands instead of mocha to integrate with popular IDEs