CLI & REPL for LevelDB
CLI & REPL for LevelDB
♠ Spade, a robust, full-featured, multi-module, Redis client, with offline queue for commands, automatic socket reconnection and command rollback mechanisms for subscriptions, moreover, it supports caching for LUA scripts.
CLI & REPL for LevelDB
A LevelDB GUI based on atom-shell.
Encryption for p-kvstore
A tiny (< 1kb minified & gzip'd) and dependency-free extension of the ES6 Map object that lets you set an expiration time for key/value pairs.
Basic in memory key/value cache
Simple readable and writable streams on top of leveldb together with a key/value server.
A persistent repository for storing basic key-value pairs to be used in Angular project providing a global and component specific namespaces.
Key/Value library
observable key value store
key/value parser
simple key value database with persistence (JSON)
simple in memory key/value cache with proactive autoclean
CLI & REPL for LevelDB
React key/value UI component
key/value methods for Object class
implements a simple key/value store service
React key/value component library