polyfill for `KeyboardEvent.prototype.key`
polyfill for `KeyboardEvent.prototype.key`
Tiny KeyboardEvent#key shim for IE and MS Edge
Detect, seperate and handle hotkeys and barcodes
Shim fixing most non-standard event.key values
Tiny KeyboardEvent#key shim for IE and MS Edge
polyfill for `KeyboardEvent.prototype.key`
Keyboard shorcuts
A lightweight React component for easily binding and handling keyboard shortcuts in your React applications.
React hook for listening to custom keydown events.
React hook for listening to custom keyup events.
Pacote para detecção das teclas pressionadas no android, em dispositivos externos, seja teclado externo ou leitor de código de barras.
Provides an interface for reading key events such as from external bluetooth keyboards on Android, iOS and Web.