Check whether a browser event matches a hotkey.
Check whether a browser event matches a hotkey.
A TypeScript string enum for compile-time safety when working with event.key
Keycodes utilities for WordPress. Used to check for keyboard events across browsers/operating systems.
A TypeScript enum definition that maps human-friendly key names to JavaScript key codes
Handling keyboard shortcuts.
Simple and quick keycodes map
A React hook for invoking a callback when hotkeys are pressed
A browser library for watching/listening to keyboard events
Contains the key codes as static values for keys on your keyboard. Useful for auto completion and readability.
Enum for UWP keycodes
Simple enum for keycodes for better readable code
Simple Javascript helper object to work with keyboard keyCodes with ease
Use human key names instead of keycode numbers for your keyboard bindings.
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High level API for key codes in node.js desktop applications. (ex: process.stdin.write(keys({ ctrl: true, name: 'c'})
Use human key names instead of keycode numbers for your keyboard bindings.
Converts keyboard keycodes to Android keycodes
Translator for KeyboardEvent.key variants of different browsers
A simple library to map keycodes to names.
A simple library to map keycodes to names.