Philips Hue API Library for Node.js
Philips Hue API Library for Node.js
Library to talk to IKEA Trådfri Gateways without external binaries
PX Blue colors for Eaton applications
Function collection for modular GPGPU / shader programming with
MIDI Schow Control over Ethernet for MA lighting
A roguelike toolkit in JavaScript
Generate and decode UPB (Universal Powerline Bus) commands
PXBlue themes for Eaton applications
Occlusion plugin for the 3D engine
A VR-Ready Post processing framework for A-Frame and/or Threejs
Node-RED lighting control nodes for Mobius Flow
Node-RED control nodes for Mobius Flow on the IA BCM
Eaton Branding colors for Eaton applications
Oren-Nayar diffuse lighting model
Gaussian specular model for GLSL
Brighton 3Ts specific node-red lighting nodes
Library to talk to IKEA Trådfri Gateways without external binaries
Manage a DMX512 universe with an Arduino-based controller directly from the browser by leveraging WebUSB.
Philips Hue Bridge Model
Lambertian diffuse lighting for GLSL