Regular expression matching for URL's. Maintained, safe, and browser-friendly version of url-regex. Resolves CVE-2020-7661. Works in Node v10.12.0+ and browsers.
Regular expression matching for URL's. Maintained, safe, and browser-friendly version of url-regex. Resolves CVE-2020-7661. Works in Node v10.12.0+ and browsers.
Send emails using nodemailer, mustache and mjml templates
Regular expression matching for email addresses. Maintained, configurable, more accurate, and browser-friendly alternative to email-regex. Works in Node v14+ and browsers. Made for Spam Scanner and Forward Email.
Easy-YOPMail (get mail address, inbox and read mail from YOPMail with nodeJS)
mailhood core
mailhood react renderer provider
Send beautiful emails made easy with sexy built-in templates
a cli tool for mails
React Native component for composing emails
Wrapper for the Postmark Track Open api
beget.ru API module
A task runner for your git projects to execute jobs at regular intervals and generate reports / alerts / notifications / mails
Simple library to use and watch IMAP mailboxes
Nice tool to analyze Gmail MBOX file
A simple library to send/receive mails by IMAP & SMTP
Intelligent, minimal, server and client side mailer for NextJS, NodeJS and JS Applications and Servers.
Regular expression matching for URL's. Maintained, and browser-friendly version of url-regex. This package is vulnerable to CVE-2020-7661. Works in Node v10.12.0+ and browsers.
NestJs Module built to send mails
- nodemailer - sendgrid - more may be added in future
Regular expression matching for URL's. Maintained, safe, and browser-friendly version of url-regex. Resolves CVE-2020-7661. Works in Node v10.12.0+ and browsers.