turf area module
turf area module
turf combine module
turf combine module
calculate the area of a polygon or multipolygon feature
The Maps component is used to visualize the geographical data and represent the statistical data of a particular geographical area on earth with user interactivity, and provides various customizing options
Apply Ramer-Douglas-Peucker line simplification to GeoJSON features or feature collections in JS or on the CLI
Converts mutli parts geojson to many single part geojsons and vice-versa.
Dissolve contiguous GeoJSON LineStrings and Polygons into single units.
turf multipolygon module
mongoose schema to support geojson fields
a lightweight yet faster osm (either in xml or in json formats) to geojson convertor - 4x faster than xmldom + osmtogeojson in most situations - implemented in pure JavaScript without any 3rd party dependency
A representation of geographical feature of interest(i.e mapped physical element with their attributes in landscape e.g. administrative boundaries, roads, buildings etc) both natural and man made used in emergency(or disaster) management(or event).
turf area module
turf combine module
Return all rings of MultiPolygon or Polygon type of geojson.
transform geojson (e.g. to <svg> <path> strings to render svg in a react app)
Source for all GeoJSON boundaries on Earth
Union/dissolve Polygons & MultiPolygons in your GeoJSON files into each other.
a lightweight yet faster osm xml to geojson convertor - 4x faster than xmldom + osmtogeojson in most situations - implemented in pure JavaScript without any 3rd party dependency
takes valid geojson multipolygons and denormalizes them into polygons for use with arcgis js