Remote procedure calls for Pip.Services in Node.js
Remote procedure calls for Pip.Services in Node.js
Portable abstractions and patterns for Pip.Services in Node.js
Component definitions for Pip.Services in Node.js
IoC container for Pip.Services in Node.js
AWS-specific components for Pip.Services in Node.js
MongoDB components for Pip.Services in Node.js
Data persistence for Pip.Services in Node.js
GRPC calls for Pip.Services in Node.js
Node.js client sdk for pip-services-roles microservice
Portable abstractions and patterns for Pip.Services in Node.js
Node.js client sdk for pip-services-sessions microservice
Node.js client sdk for pip-services-settings microservice
Mongoose (mongodb) components for Pip.Services in Node.js
Couchbase components for Pip.Services in Node.js
PostgreSQL components for Pip.Services in Node.js
Party activities tracking microservice
Node.js client sdk for pip-services-msgdistribution microservice
Node.js client sdk for pip-services-email microservice
Prometheus components for Pip.Services in Node.js
User roles microservice in Node.js