Advanced, lightweight system and OS information library
Advanced, lightweight system and OS information library
A PouchDB plug-in that simulates CouchDB's authentication daemon. Includes a users db that functions like CouchDB's.
Fetch the specified repositories, or those that match a particular github user or search query
Fetch all the contributors from a github repository, github organisation, or github search
Accounts-js Types
Fullstack authentication and accounts-management
Build simple, secure web applications with Stormpath and Express!
Fullstack authentication and accounts-management
REST client for accounts
Unified API for password hashing algorithms
Fullstack authentication and accounts-management
Accounts Database Manager, allow the use of separate databases for session and user
An advanced session store for Redis
ConnectyCube chat and video chat SDK for React Native
ConnectyCube chat and video chat JavaScript SDK
Permission management component for React
Quick and dirty password strength evaluation
Backstrap is a lightweight framework for building APIs
Node.js client sdk for pip-services-sessions microservice
A basic abstraction for handling flags and permissions using bitwise