Fast, prototype-friendly multimethods.
Fast, prototype-friendly multimethods.
Fancy duck typing for the most serious of ducks.
Get the protocols of an input url.
IANA Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Schemes list, including crowd sourced unofficial ones
Handle the data that is saved on the local SQLite on the devices replication protocol
A polyglot messaging service
A typescript implementation of protocols (typeclasses)
Return frontend script to client that can't be viewed by client's BROWSER
a javascript client library for the sockethub messaging service
Abstracts application layer protcols of the OSI model
XMODEM implementation in JavaScript
nginx proxy cache key protocols implementations
AEM Mobile Navigation Protocols
Lightweight and fast protocols manager for isomorphic code.
Parser for protocols information of Bird internet routing dameon.
Protocol definitions and matchers for the teletunnel protocol
Object Namespace Manager (onm) data model, schema-driven JSON factory and in-memory subsystem communication bus for complex data-driven Node.js/HTML 5 client apps.
Elastic client that works on some protocol(count,default) and strategies
A module to interact with the api.