A fast, indexed RDFJS Dataset implementation
A fast, indexed RDFJS Dataset implementation
RDF-Ext is a developer-friendly extension for RDF/JS
RDF/JS Source which transforms a triple stream to a quad stream
Util functions for easier RDF/JS DatasetCore handling
CSV on the Web parser
JSON-LD serializer that implements the RDFJS Sink Interfaces
N3 parser that follows the RDF Interface specification
JSON-LD parser that implements the RDFJS Sink interface using jsonld.js
N-Triples serializer that implements the RDFJS Sink Interfaces
N3 serializer that implements the RDFJS Sink interface
A basic implementation of the RDFJS Data Model
JSON-LD serializer that implements the RDFJS Sink Interfaces and supports different output styles
Abstract RDFJS Sink Interface implementation
RDFJS Dataset utils
Extended Linked Data module
CSV on the Web serializer that implements the RDFJS Sink Interfaces
Uses Fetch to send and receive RDF-Ext Graphs over HTTP
Light version of the rdf-fetch package
RDF body parsing middleware
Filters a RDF/JS Stream using a filter callback or quad pattern