Array#filter() with also detecting indexes of filtered values
Array#filter() with also detecting indexes of filtered values
creates the indices for a quad (two triangles)
Angular wrapper to IndexedDB database.
localForage bindings for Angular
A fast, indexed RDFJS Dataset implementation
Manage indexed collections in React using hooks.
React wrapper to IndexedDB database.
an indexed quad mesh with normals and UVs
Native JavaScript Array, but extended with custom indexing and group support for super-fast lookups.
The most basic, yet powerful text search.
IndexedDB for KVS
Manage indexed collections in React using hooks.
It is one of the lightweight and fastest npm without any dependencies. A developer can use it for implementing CRUD operations with indexedDb. It is not only fast and lightweight, It is easiest NPM to implement in angular projects.
Search indexer for TypeScript and JavaScript
Minimalist indexeddb abstraction 💾
Tiny data mining engine, with path materialization and naive map-reduce logic
Indexed table cache
Enhances JavaScript classes so instances can be stored in a variety of storage mechanisms, e.g. block store file, json file, mem store.
A thin Promise-like wrapper around IndexedDB
Simple document store with indexing