Process orchestrator
Process orchestrator
Executor for Runnerty integrated with Telegram. It sends a message to your Telegram chat and waits for an answer to continue or stop the chain.
Runnerty module: MySQL executor
Runnerty CLI Tool
Runnerty module: Iterable executor
Runnerty module: s3 executor
Runnerty module: Trigger schedule
Runnerty module: Cypress
Runnerty module: MQTT Publisher
Runnerty module: Decompress (tar, zip, rar, 7z, gz)
Runnerty module: Immediate
Runnerty module core classes
Runnerty module: shell executor
Runnerty module: Redis executor
Runnerty interpreter module
Runnerty module: wait executor
Runnerty module: Trigger Server
Runnerty module: Mail executor
Runnerty module: Puppeteer wrapper to export html to PDF/image
Runnerty module: Trigger File Watcher