fast, tiny `queueMicrotask` shim for modern engines
fast, tiny `queueMicrotask` shim for modern engines
Simple setImmediate shim
Make unhandled promise rejections fail hard right away instead of the default silent fail
Immediate put/get for abstract-chunk-store compliant stores
Returns a promise resolved in the next event loop - think `setImmediate()`
Runnerty module: Immediate
A `setImmediate` ponyfill
Package provide function, that returns timestamp in ms (like `Date.now()`).
Static observable methods `next`, `error`, and `complete`. Equivalent to `Promise.resolve()` and `Promise.reject()` for promises.
Controll timers in JavaScript
Replace immediate calls to a required function
The Promise base setTimeout, reduce your callback
Select direct children of element that match a selector.
Execute SQL statements against an sqlite3 database.
A template tag function for building and immediately executing SQL statements. Works with any database library - you provide your own execution function. Uses sql-template-tag under the hood.
watch properties on any object for changes in-between function invocations
Returns a promise resolved in the next event loop - think `setImmediate()`
fast, tiny `queueMicrotask` shim for modern engines
An isomorphic setImmediate implementation that doesn't prevent the process from exiting naturally.
Scheduler-related helper functions, required for benchmarking.