The lodash method `_.snakeCase` exported as a module.
The lodash method `_.snakeCase` exported as a module.
Remove any existing casing from a string.
Convert a string to snake case.
Simple case conversion and detection for strings.
Helper switches key case for npm knex
Deep rekey Objects and Arrays as either camel case or snake case.
{camel,constant,dot,kebab,pascal,snake,space} case it.
Convert object keys to camelCase or snakeCase.
Convert keys in an javascript object for some cases(camelCase, snake_case, etc.)
ESLint Plugin to enforce a style of snake_case in your project, rather than just disabling camelCase.
Converts camelCase JavaScript objects to JSON snake_case and vise versa.
middleware for changing the inflection of json keys in requests and responses in express/connect applications
Convert keys in an javascript object for some cases(camelCase, snake_case, etc.)
JavaScript convert string to snake_case - Use for both Node.JS and Browser.
Recursively transform object keys with a custom key transform strategy
Recursively transform object key strings to and from camelCase and snake_case (underscore)
famous case keys.
Transform object keys easily using whatever transform function
Converts object keys or array of objects' keys to different case styles
Snakecase the keys of an object