Shared mixins, tools, etc. that support developing Spectrum Web Components.
Shared mixins, tools, etc. that support developing Spectrum Web Components.
Deliver [Spectrum UI Icons](https://spectrum.adobe.com/page/icons/) as either:
`sp-theme` applies a Spectrum theme by using CSS custom properties to set default sizes & colors for all of the components in its scope. The Spectrum design system provides four color themes (`lightest`, `light`, `dark`, and `darkest`) and two different s
An `<sp-button>` represents an action a user can take. sp-buttons can be clicked or tapped to perform an action or to navigate to another page. sp-buttons in Spectrum have several variations for different uses and multiple levels of loudness for various a
`<sp-icon>` renders an icon to the page. By default the `name` attribute will pair with separately registered icon sets to deliver the icons. When not present, `<sp-icon>` will subsequently check for its `src` attribute which could populate the icon via a
Extend either the `Iconset` or `IconsetSVG` exports of this package to supply your application with a custom icon set to power the use of `<sp-icon>` elements throughout. Give your new icon set a custom name, and you'll be ready to supply them as `<sp-ico
The `SpectrumElement` base class as created by mixing `SpectrumMixin` onto `LitElement` adopts `dir` values from the `document` at connection time with a fallback to `lrt`. In a TypeScript context, it also enforces the presence of `this.shadowRoot` on ext
Spectrum Web Components are a [`LitElement`](https://lit-element.polymer-project.org)-powered web component library of patterns built on top of the [Spectrum CSS](https://opensource.adobe.com/spectrum-css) specification. Styles for these components are ma
An `<sp-overlay>` element is used to decorate content that you would like to present to your visitors as "overlaid" on the rest of the application. This includes dialogs (modal and not), pickers, tooltips, context menus, et al.
An `<sp-popover>` is used to display transient content (menus, options, additional actions etc.) and appears when clicking/tapping on a source (tools, buttons, etc.) It stands out via its visual style (stroke and drop shadow) and floats on top of the rest
An `<sp-menu>` is used for creating a menu list. The various elements inside a menu are given as `<sp-menu-group>`, `<sp-menu-item>`, or `<sp-menu-divider>`. Often a `<sp-menu>` element will appear in a `<sp-popover>` element so that it displays as a togg
An `<sp-dropdown>` is an alternative to HTML's `<select>` element. Use an `<sp-menu>` element to outline the options that will be made available to the user when interacting with the `<sp-dropdown>` element.
The `<sp-icons-medium>` and `<sp-icons-large>` elements that are included in this package supply your application with the Spectrum CSS Icons at both the medium and large sizes for use via the `<sp-icon>` element also provided by the Spectrum Web Componen
Side navigation allows users to locate information and features within the UI. It can be used for either hierarchical or flat navigation, and gives the ability to group navigable items categorically. Side navigation is an opportunity to prioritize content
The `<sp-search>` element delivers a single input field with a "reset" button as well as a mangifying glass icon with which to power search interactions.
An `<sp-card>` represents a rectangular card that contains a variety of text and image layouts. Cards are typically used to encapsulate units of a data set, such as a gallery of image/caption pairs.
`sp-tooltip` allow users to get contextual help or information about specific components when hovering or focusing on them.
An `<sp-action-button>` represents an action a user can take.
An `<sp-field-label>` provides accessible labelling for form elements. Use the `for` attribute to outline the `id` of an element in the same DOM tree to which it should associate itself.
An `<sp-link>` allow users to navigate to a different location. They can be presented in-line inside a paragraph or as a standalone text.