Webpack plugin for enabling Subresource Integrity
Webpack plugin for enabling Subresource Integrity
This Webpack plugin will generate a JSON file that matches the original filename with the hashed version.
Gatsby plugin for enabling Subresource Integrity (SRI)
Client-side caching & SRI generation for Grunt
Add webpack-assets-manifest to your Next.js project
A simple module to generate SRI hashes out of files and implement sub-resource integrity
Subresource integrity hash generator plugin for webpack.
Add subresource integrity tags to all your html files 🔒
npm i (-g) webboot. wrapper around @webboot/core and @webboot/cli.
Generates the SRI hash of the given string to use with CDN resources without publishing the content to a CDN.
Generate subresource integrity attributes
Add w3c SRI hashes to your resources
This is an implementation of integrity checks, so we can start doing subresource integrity checks on browsers that don't yet support it.
Client-side caching & SRI generation for Node
Subresource Integrity fallback script
Sub-resource integrity in Handlebars
This Webpack plugin will generate a JSON file that matches the original filename with the hashed version.
Webpack plugin for enabling Subresource Integrity
generate, verify, sign and release subresource integrity hashes for your static page.
@webboot/core. generate, verify, sign, and release sri-hashes for your static page.