Give your handlebars.js templates some swag son!
Give your handlebars.js templates some swag son!
Use [async/await](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/async_function) in your routes without polluting / [wrapping](https://medium.com/@Abazhenov/using-async-await-in-express-with-node-8-b8af872c0016) them.
A simple module to generate SRI hashes out of files and implement sub-resource integrity
Ensures that a file exists: if not, it creates it.
Just a small utility to enhance our integration with NewRelic.
Try to parse JSON, silently fail if something screws up.
A small, promise-based, pooled wrapper for the `redis` module: we re-use the same code across a bunch of modules, hence this abstraction.
Check that your files are on the CDN.
PhotoView - Pan, PinchZoom and Swipe for mobile
Give your handlebars.js templates some swag son! (Node only bro)
A browser-based IDE written in NodeJS. For Real.
Convert an array into an object (odd entries are keys, even entries are values)
Simple way to define private members on ES6 classes, keep their code clean.
Swag JSON-based API doc generator.
A small utility to count things
Double loops suck.
Generate Rapper Names
just squares really. oh yeah, they float upwards lol
My personal dev mark which I shamelessly inject into friends' sites I build. 👨💻
A small component that animates a list of words