Universal module interface package for TaskManager
Universal module interface package for TaskManager
Expo module that provides support for tasks that can run in the background.
Expo interface package for TaskManager
Command line todo management app based on task.json format
Task manager for stalker applications.
Monitor and manage docker-compose stacks easily. This CLI enables the user to proxy commands to multiple docker-compose stacks.
[![Version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/todo.json-cli.svg)](https://npmjs.org/package/todo.json-cli) [![License](https://img.shields.io/npm/l/todo.json-cli.svg)](https://github.com/DCsunset/todo.json-cli/blob/master/package.json)
Easy way to manage a pool of workers, support cluster mode(run tasks in different process), thread mode(run tasks in different thread) and normal mode(run tasks in current thread)!
Tascli is an open-source task-manager like monday.com, but for command line nerds.
SASS preprocessor for Ease task manager.
Find child processes
task manager
A fast and reliable flow engine for orchestration and more uses in *Node.js*, *Deno* and the browser
a simple manager to handle some complex tasks
Flowed resolver library to make OpenApi requests
Flowed resolver library to make HTTP/HTTPS requests
wonderful task manager for Procfile-based or npm-based applications
Queue manager with condition-based listening and task subscription
Task manager, pomodoro CLI
Expo module that provides support for tasks that can run in the background.