A normalized and configurable cache exchange for urql
A normalized and configurable cache exchange for urql
The official exchange for use with Urql Devtools
An exchange for managing authentication and token refresh in urql
An exchange for operation retry support in urql
An exchange that allows regular fetch and will transition to multipart when files are included
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Plugin for providing a GraphQL client in Piral.
An exchange for client-side React Suspense support in urql
An exchange for executing queries against a local schema in urql
An exchange that automaticcally populates the mutation selection body
Make stories in Storybook with urql
An exchange that allows for persisted queries support when fetching queries
An exchange for operation request-policy upgrading in urql
An exchange that dispatches active operations when the window regains focus
The official devtools utility for urql
> **IMPORTANT**: Under development, do not use it yet!
Mutate arrays in response to graphql operations
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Simple Cli to Spin up Scalable & Robust NextJs Application, Beautifully architected for Great DX