1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

cl2-front v1.0.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
3 years ago




  • NodeJS (use nvm or a similar tool in order to be able to install different versions side by side)
  • A text editor/IDE that is compatible with Editorconfig and Typescript
  • cl2-back must be running on an accessible machine. The usual setup is to make it run in the same machine.


  1. git clone the repository
  2. Run npm install in the root of the repository


If you have cl2-back running on the same machine, with the default port (4000):

npm start

If cl2-back runs on a different machine / port:


(replace XXX with the hostname or ip and YYY with the port of your instance of cl2-back)

E2E tests

The E2E tests are run whenever a change to the Master branch occurs. You can view the results on CircleCI.

To manually run the e2e tests once:

npm run cypress:run

To run the e2e tests in watcher mode:

npm run cypress:open

Note: The e2e tests depend on some data being available in the back-end. To set it up for testing, see e2e tests in cl2-back.

Unit and integration tests

These tests are run on each PR. Jest will consider every file with the extention .test.(ts|tsx) a test.

To manually run them once

npm test

To run the tests in watcher mode :

npm run test:watch

Quick reminder of the watcher commands: a to run all tests, enter to re-run, u to update a snapshot (make sure the changes are as expected before pushing new snapshots).

If tests run crashes you might have to increase the number of watchable files.

On linux this means running :

echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p

IDE setup

Your text editor of choice should support Editorconfig and Typescript. It is also recommended that it supports TSLint in order to give you immediate feedback.

For all these reasons, VSCode is the preferred editor, but feel free to use something else if you'd like.