Terminate Packages


killport-npm package would take a port number as an argument and then find the process using that port. After identifying the process, it would terminate it, effectively "killing" the port and freeing it up for other processes to use.

1.0.4 • Published 1 year ago


#### 介绍 `circuit-run`是一个和`co`库或者`koa`的洋葱模型有着类似功能的开源代码,和他们不同的是,`circuit-run`提供了中断功能。也就是说,当某一个中间件出现问题想要终止整个流程的时候,可以使用`circuit-run`的`terminate`函数来终止洋葱模型的进行。当然,`circuit-run`是可以在浏览器运行的,其并不依赖于`node.js`环境。

1.0.0 • Published 2 years ago