A delayed function runs some code once a period of time has passed if the delayed function is not being called again in that time.
A delayed function runs some code once a period of time has passed if the delayed function is not being called again in that time.
call setTimeout() with min/max delay
This npm library provides a synchronous delay function for specified milliseconds
delay-customizable react component
Easy to use wrapper react component to debounce the render of its children
Maintained fork of later. Determine later (or previous) occurrences of recurring schedules
delay queue and event plugin.
参考jQuery Ajax 尝试自己封装一下:
Check the event loop delay
A package that blocks the flow of a specific channel
Defer user input
Polyfill to remove click delays on browsers with touch UIs.
A function is a set of statements that performs a task or calculates a value {web}.
An async function is a function that delivers its result asynchronously (through Promise) {web}.
An async function is a function that delivers its result asynchronously (through Promise).
some tools for js, save your time for a cup of tea
A delay component for testing with Flow Server
An ES6 generator similar to setInterval that adjusts for slow receivers.