A node.js SSDP client and server library.
A Bonjour/Zeroconf implementation in TypeScript
Provides zero-config discovery service using broadcast UDP.
multicast operator for basic-streams
A node.js SSDP client and server library.
Yet another SSDP implementation for node.js
DNS-SD (aka Zeroconf, Bonjour, Avahi) discovery and advertisement in TypeScript. Spec-compliant!
A Bonjour/Zeroconf implementation in TypeScript
A Bonjour/Zeroconf implementation in pure JavaScript
Advertises the Vite server over Bonjour when host enabled
A Bonjour/Zeroconf implementation in pure JavaScript
Low level multicast-dns implementation in pure javascript
A Bonjour/Zeroconf implementation in TypeScript
Create a printer on the network
A Bonjour/Zeroconf implementation in TypeScript
Multicast frontend lib
Cool npm module
A Bonjour/Zeroconf implementation in pure JavaScript
Create a printer on the network