Easily format the time from node.js `process.hrtime`. Works with timescales ranging from weeks to nanoseconds.
Easily format the time from node.js `process.hrtime`. Works with timescales ranging from weeks to nanoseconds.
A simple utility for precise-dateing functions and classes.
Smallest 5th gen CSS-in-JS library
300B to deep clone JavaScript objects
Get metadata on the default editor or a specific editor
A much higher accuracy timer object that makes use of the node.js hrtime function call.
Nanoscale assertion module
The official CouchDB client for Node.js
Open files in your editor at a specific line and column
Convert the process.hrtime() array to a single nanoseconds value. This makes it easier to diff times.
HTML template strings for the Browser with support for Server Side Rendering in Node.
Wallet address validator for Bitcoin and other Altcoins.
Get the nano seconds of current time
A teensy, squeaky 🐤 clean Webpack CLI
Poor man's Symbol implementation, not compliant. Uses window.Symbol if present
Multicoin address validator for Bitcoin and other Altcoins.
A minimalistic Cloudant/CouchDB driver for Node.js
Wallet address validator for Bitcoin and other Altcoins.
SI and IEC compatible numeric formatter
Minify CSS