Módulo para geração de dados falsos com base no site 4Devs.
Módulo para geração de dados falsos com base no site 4Devs.
<div align="center"> <a href="https://toast.pheralb.dev"> <img src="https://toast.pheralb.dev/images/logo_svg.svg" alt="@pheralb/toast" height="60" /> </a> <p /> <p> <b> An accessible toast library for React.
A lightweight, no-dependencies, unit testing library.
A Node.js wrapper for the CoinGecko API with no dependencies.
a lightweight, no dependencies, regularly updated disposable email npm package with types forked from https://github.com/disposable/disposable
Parse minecraft text to JSON format
A super lightweight, zero dependency date picker, written in vanilla JS
<div align="center"> <a href="https://toast.thorxop.com"> <img src="https://toast.thorxop.com/images/logo_svg.svg" alt="@thorop/toast" height="60" /> </a> <p /> <p> <b> An accessible toast library for React.
date range picker for react js
Dependency-free UI module for creating range slider inputs, seek bars, and progress bars.
A minimalist, dependency-free JavaScript framework for DOM manipulation, event handling, animations, state management, and HTTP requests.
A Node.js wrapper for the CoinGecko API with no dependencies with generated inline d.ts typings and pro account support.
Coin Gecko Api Node js wrapper
A Node.js wrapper for the CoinGecko API PRO with no dependencies.
A Node.js wrapper for the CoinGecko API with no dependencies (with generated inline d.ts typings!).
A Node.js wrapper for the CoinGecko API with no dependencies with generated inline d.ts typings and pro account support.
A Node.js wrapper for the CoinGecko API with no dependencies.
Light, customizable and agnostic alert library.
Date range picker - lightweight, no dependencies