Serializes to any RDF serialization
Serializes to any RDF serialization
JSON-LD serializer that implements the RDF/JS Sink interface and supports different output styles
> ## @rdfine/dash > ### Generated JavaScript types for DASH Data Shapes. Platform-independent extensions of SHACL for common tasks
A basic implementation of the RDFJS Dataset
Wrapper for fetch to simplify sending and receiving RDF data
Handle incoming and outgoing RDF data in Express
Duplex wrapper for RDFJS Sink
Jest utilities for RDF(JS)
Util functions for easier RDF/JS DatasetCore handling
RDF/JS file system utils
Create a dataset of quads in memory for comparison and set operations such as union, intersection, difference, etc.
Mirror of RDF/JS TypeScript typings
Combines quads of a RDF/JS quad stream to a stream of RDF/JS Dataset chunks
Single-threaded RDF Turtle content reader
Single-threaded RDF N-Triples content reader
Javascript client library supporting GraphDB and RDF4J REST API.
> ## @rdfine/prov > ### Generated JavaScript types for W3C PROVenance Interchange (PROV)
RDF Factory with neat memory usage and good cpu performance.
RDF N-Quads content scriber for fast and simple output
RDF N-Triples content scriber for fast and simple output