Remove any existing casing from a string.
Remove any existing casing from a string.
A list of the minor words that shouldn't be capitalized in a title case string.
Convert a string to title case.
Simple case conversion and detection for strings.
Convert a value to AP/APA title case
Titlecase converter for french
Convert a text into title case following English rules
Letter Case Transformer
globs over markdown posts and fixes title casing
A module to intelligently format names and US addresses
Converts any string text to title-case and a few other formats as required
simple letter case convert plugin for ckeditor5
Converts Turkish strings to title case
Detects the casing of the input string (camelcase, lowercase, snakecase etc).
Capitalizes, camelizes, kebabcases, pascalizes, titlecases or hyphenates strings.
Convert a string to a title case.
Like String.prototype.replace() but attempts to match the casing of the substring being replaced.
Coverts the string to title case for ex:- I am good" it converst to I Am Good
Capitalises first character of each word in string except words from an exclusion array.
An Alfred 3 workflow to quickly change the case of the clipboard text.