A simple implementation of *nix uniq in NodeJS to take advantage of streaming
Isomorphic ES3 library to common stuff on object literals and arrays
Saga helpers for taking each first unique action.
Chober.js - is a collection of methods that are used by programmers every day. We decided to put all the methods together so as not to copy them from project to project.
Removed duplicate elements from the array
Get a random temporary file or directory path that will delete itself
An awk-like command-line tool for processing text, CSV, JSON, HTML, and XML.
List/array/set utility functions: union, intersect, complement, unique, first, last, has, add, toggle
Given a set of mongodb ObjectIDs, returns the unique set
small lib for creation uniq symbols with different ways
Unique for array based on next.
Tiny utility to generate a unique id based on date and time
Xpando is a JavaScript library for nodeJS and browser. Xpando extends JavaScript Array, Map, and Set. The library is heavily inspired and influenced by F# Array, Map, and Set modules.
Remove duplicates based on a predicate function
Make counter functions that deliver, one-by-one, all available integers: 0, 1, …, MAX_INT, -1, -2, …, MIN_INT, then throw a RangeError. AMD/UMD package.
No dups, no doubts.
Extra array methods : uniq, sum, contain, flatt, remove, removeAll
splits string by comma, trims & dedups
Generates unique id