Node-red node for node-dht-sensor
Node-red node for node-dht-sensor
Homebridge accessory plugin that support's connecting a dht22 Temperature/Humidity Sensor to a Raspberry PI.
Homebridge platform plugin that support's a network of nodemcu's to display Temperature and Humidity.
Support for the DHT11 and DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor.
Hombridge plugin for DHT22 Temperature Sensor
Homebridge platform plugin that support's a network of nodemcu's running nodemcu-dht-yl69-mdns to display Temperature and Humidity.
Reads DHT series of temperature sensors on a Beaglebone Black.
A DHT11 Sensor Driven written with Noejs. Monitoring temperature and humidity changes using RxJS.
Homebridge accessory plugin that reads Temperature/Humidity values from DHT Sensors connected to a Raspberry PI.
Hombridge plugin for DHT22 Humidity Sensor
Support for the DHTxx temperature/humidity sensor.
NodeJS module to read data from a DHT 22/DHT 11 temperature and humidity sensor on boards that supports WiringPi library to access GPIO ports
Homebridge DHT11/22 plugin for Raspberry Pi
Test stub Homebridge accessory plugin generates sensor events for testing
Node-red node for node-dht-sensor
For interacting with different kind of devices through raspberry pi GPIOs
Homebridge platform plugin that support's a network of nodemcu's running nodemcu-dht-yl69-mdns to display Temperature and Humidity.
DHTxx temperature/humidity sensor plugin using remote GPIO
Simple http request DHT sensor reader.
BMP180 plugin for homebridge