Fast base encoding / decoding of any given alphabet
Fast base encoding / decoding of any given alphabet
Fast base encoding / decoding of any given alphabet
Converts arrays of integers from one base to another. Uses an O(N²) algorithm.
Base62 non-sequential url-safe UUID generator (RFC4122)
Base-62 UUID generator
Generating random strings (cryptographically strong) for NodeJS
Encode UUIDs into Base36 or any other system
Very fast asset hashing function for using e.g. during front-end deployments.
Convert and parse numbers in base62
Fast base62 random strings
LZ77(LZSS) based compression algorithm in base62 for JavaScript
Base62 UUID encoder/decoder/generator (RFC4122 compliant)
instead of base64, base62 (alphanumeric) encode/decode for string
Encode / decode any base X to and from string or buffer
Encode a string into a base62 string. Decode a base62 string back to a decoded string. It can also code arrays of bytes.
This library will transform the binary buffer to base62 string that used 62 character to describe any data
Random numbers and Distributions generation
base62 encode for crypto hash algorithms: sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384 and sha512
Base62 + big.js | Convert Strings an Numbers to Base62 without worrying about overflowing Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
Fast base62 random strings