automatically generated apidocs from deployd resources
automatically generated apidocs from deployd resources
Client library (dpd.js) for Deployd
Passport for deployd
Use the deployd javascript sdk as a node module
Module for Deployd that allows you to send an email to your users
Dashboard for Deployd
Simple nodemailer integration for deployd
get a signed Url for Put, Get file in AWS S3 in deployd
Module for Deployd that allows you to send an email to your users via SendGrid
send android push notification in deployd
DPD API for Node.js
This is improved one from original module dpd-email, this one supports setting greetingTimeout
Dpd library for vue
Easily configure roles/permissions regarding methods and (nested) keyvalue-pairs for deployd
Deployd plugin that makes it easy to count documents. Warning! This plugin adds an 'ON COUNT' event to all collections! Make sure to restrict access there!
Generate local dpd.js file.
Read .env file and make the variables available to event scripts
An HTML template generator for deployd (useful for dpd-email)
Simple Node-parser for tracking the tracks of the postal service DPD
DPD API for Node.js