i18n for ISO 3166-1 country codes
i18n for ISO 3166-1 country codes
i18n for ISO 3166-1 country codes
Higher-order elements powered by transclusion.
i18n for ISO 3166-1 country codes
country names by Alpha-2 country code in multiple languages
ElGamal cryptosystem for JavaScript.
i18n for ISO 3166-1 country codes, extended with new languages
:tropical_drink: EventEmitter done right and no dependencies. For nodejs and the browser (>= IE8). Can emit custom or DOM events.
Greek dictionary for cspell.
Seedable random number generator supporting many common distributions.
Greek dictionary for cspell.
Quick DOM elements creation in js.
check actual number is expected number ± delta
Detect when an element is ready in the DOM
a node to use the JEXL expression language
Utility for shorthand easy creation and modification of collections of DOM elements that allows you to chain actions
Greek spelling dictionary
Greek (Polyton) spelling dictionary
i18n for ISO 3166-1 my country codes
A simple library for composable DOM elements using tagged template strings.