Sanitize strings for use as JavaScript identifiers & property names
Sanitize strings for use as JavaScript identifiers & property names
Curried property accessor function that resolves deeply-nested object properties via dot/bracket-notation string path while mitigating TypeErrors via friendly and composable API.
Does the current JS environment have strict mode? ES5+ should; but let's not assume.
Move your CoffeeScript source to modern JavaScript.
Preset for Babel's ES3 transformations
broccoli filter for an es5 -> es3 recast. catch/finally -> ['catch'] & ['finally']
Transforms JavaScript from ES5 to ES3 bundled by webpack.
Pedant preset for eslint
A CLI tool for check-es3-syntax
Check if contents of a file is es3-compatible
eslint config for es3
Microsoft Application Insights JavaScript SDK - Rollup Plugin for ES3 support
Curried function deriving a new array containing items from given array for which predicate returns true. Supports unary function, RegExp, dot/bracket-notation string path, and compound query object as predicate.
AMegMen (Accessible MegaMenu) is an Keyboard accessible, jQuery-free and Framework-free MegaMenu plugin which is fully responsive, and supports multiple levels.
An extensible program-code-template for creating objects
Es3 webpack plugin v2
Sparse partial function application
Transforms ES5 JavaScript files to ES3 by using es3ify.
A Webpack plugin used for converting code to be ES3-compatible.
Incremental DOM implementation for legacy browsers.