Get the passwd user entry from a username or user identifier (UID)
Get the passwd user entry from a username or user identifier (UID)
Node.js `os.userInfo()` ponyfill
The missing POSIX system calls
Universal encoder/decoder for ID values returned from the Shopify Storefront GraphQL API.
Promise-based `lstat`
getpwuid() binding - returns username, name, home directory, shell, gid from uid
An object representing a UUID/GUID
A node process manager that isn't spanners all the way down
Sets the user identity of the process to `www-data`
Resolve fs.Stat to mimetype, ownername, groupname, and human-readable permissions.
Resolve fs.Stat to mimetype, ownername, groupname, and human-readable permissions.
A node process manager that isn't spanners all the way down
The missing POSIX system calls that wont even attempt to build on windows
simple and powerful promise-based process spawning
Module to get user (passwd) and group info, with lots of fallbacks
Get user/group information
Get a group's GID by name
Runs fs commands as the specified user, so files are owned by the correct user.
The missing POSIX system calls
Up to date JS bindings for posix calls