A library for the MQTT protocol
A library for the MQTT protocol
Dependency free publish/subscribe library
A simple strongly-typed pub/sub/fire eventing system
Javascript implementation of the Publish/Subscribe pattern.
Vanilla JS Pubsub implementation with wildcards and inheritance
A library for the MQTT protocol
pubsub framework for managing topics and subscriptions
MigratoryData Client API for JavaScript/Node.js
PubSub service based on RxJs ReplaySubject
A plugin for the Serverless framework that enables easier configuration for publish/subscribe pattern
A library for the MQTT protocol via proxy
Publish/Subscribe UMD package
PubSub service based on rx-pubsub with an additional publishDistinct() method
A library for the MQTT protocol on react native
MQTT support for Pimatic
A library for the MQTT protocol
Simple Event Hub
A collection of small utilities to manage AWS services and actions
A library supporting request-response operation over MQTT
Event emitting done the simplest functional way