Parse and stringify the HTML `<img>` srcset attribute
Parse and stringify the HTML `<img>` srcset attribute
Generate HTML elements from a javascript object.
Assemble pipeline plugin for pushing views into a vinyl stream.
Light wrapper for vinyl-fs to add streams support in a way that plays nice with Assemble middleware.
Get the 'src' value from any string containing a src="" (embed, iframe, html, etc).
Generate a image to base64.
Remote gulp.src
base64 image loader for webpack
just an object that maps `src` file extensions to `dest` file extensions as key/value pairs (e.g. `{'.less': '.css'}`). Useful for dynamically rewriting paths in tasks/plugins. pull requests welcome.
Automatically re-write the destination extension of a filepath based on the source extension. e.g `.coffee` => `.js`. This will only rename the ext, no other path parts are modified.
Generate a pdf to base64
gulp plugin to dynamically rewrite dest extensions based on src extensions.
Remote gulp.src
Image source loader for webpack
Easily define a base path where your serverless functions are located
Remote gulp.src
Rehype plugin to rewrite URLs of `href` and `src` attributes
Vue directive to load and display secured images
Sourcebin api
a plugin for uploading image in Quill