Generate naturally varying time intervals to improve realism in games and to prevent thundering herds in distributed systems
Generate naturally varying time intervals to improve realism in games and to prevent thundering herds in distributed systems
Components for generating random data series based on stochastic processes
Transducers for statistical / technical analysis
Generate pseudorandom numbers and sample probability distributions with optional seed and choice of algorithm.
t-SNE implementation in JavaScript
Simple functions for simulating Poisson Processes, Brownian motion, geometric Brownian motion, discrete/continuous-time Markov chains, and normal random variables
Create functions to generate random values.
Components for generating random data series based on stochastic processes
Sim is a discrete event simulation package that facilitates Rust- and npm-based simulation products and projects
Markov Chain and Random Distribution Toolset
Simulate Poisson Processes, Brownian motion, Markov chains, and normal random variables
A library to do stochastic matrix operations.
Trust your now-simpler JsVerify and Vows tests
Streaming SVM trainer that uses stochastic gradient descent
t-SNE visualization algorithm
Generates a voronoi diagram starting from the surface ratio of each cell and the size of the rectangle.
A re-bake of jazmit/jasmine-jscheck to make appropriate for the npm community
Douglas Crockford's JSCheck port of Quviq's QuickCheck
Discrete Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation algorithm by Hill, 2005
t-SNE visualization algorithm